Sales Agreement






Street Number:

Door Number:

Sheet Number :

Island Number:

Parcel Number:


BUYER …………………………/……………………………………. with SELLER …………………………………./…………………

reach an agreement in order to sell the real estate registered above with the conditions specified below.


  1. SELLER accepted to sell his /her real estate registered above with the price …………………………… TL (including annual gross witholding tax)
  2. Offsetting the sales price …………………………………………TL deposit has been gotten from BUYER.
  3. ………………………………..TL of sales price is in cash, the rest will be paid with installments in ……………………….. time.
  4. After this agreement signed according to Article 156/2debt law, if BUYER gives up purchasing, he/she won’t be able to get the down payment back. If SELLER gives up selling this real estate, he/she will give back the down payment and guerdon as much as amount of deposit.
  5. BUYER and SELLER accept to pay ……………………………….. percent+VAT amount of service fee over the actual sales price.
  6. If a conflict arise ,the unjust side will pay all kinds of damage and loss the other side will be exposed; court, execution costs and attorney fees together with compensation written on this agreement.
  7. In the elimination of all kinds of dispute arisen from fulfilment of this agreement, ………………. Court and Enforcement Authorities are authorized.

DATE: .......................

    BUYER                                    REAL ESTATE BROKER                                                      SELLER

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